lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Task 1: Multilingualism and Plurilingualism in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

Hello bookworms!

Today I will show my research on multilingualism in Hospitalet de Llobregat, the city where I live. It has 253.518 inhabitants; 47,94% of them were born in Catalonia, 24,96% come from other Autonomous Comunities and 27,10% left are from other countries (INE, 2014).

According to Idescat population registers (2015), there are people from more than 50 different nationalities living here. However, Bolivians (12.84%), Moroccans (11.85%), Ecuadorians (10.42%), Pakistanis (7.89%),  Dominicans (7.29%), Hindus (5.68%), Peruvians (5.03%) and Chinese (4.72%) are the most common nationalities we can find in Hospitalet de Llobregat. Therefore, the most spoken languages in this area are Spanish, Moroccan, Hindu, Pakistani and Chinese.

The majority of immigrants are between 25 and 40 years old, which makes me think that job is the main reason why they move to Catalonia, Spain. Moreover, there are just 7,29% of kids that immigrate with their parents (Idescat, 2015).  Therefore, those people who move to Hospitalet are likely to give birth their sons or daughters here, which means that these children are going to have Spanish nationality.

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L'Hospitalet de Llobregat areas
I must highlight that I specifically live in Pubilla Cases, one of the six areas of Hospitalet de Llobregat. Statistically talking, Pubilla Cases is one of the most multilingual areas of Hospitalet, so 22.11% of its total population is immigrant (Idescat, 2015). However, I couldn’t find where this foreign population is from, which complicate my research on multilingualism.

I have also analysed what is the level of proficiency of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat inhabitants in Catalan. According to Idescat (2011), in Pubilla Cases, there are 38.856 inhabitants; 8.591 are foreigners and 85% of them understand Catalan. So, Catalan is not a social issue for immigrants.

In 2011, Hospitalet de Llobregat council promoted an Environmental Education Plan to foster social integration, coexistence and use of Catalan language (Servei Educatiu de la Ciutat de L’hospitalet de Llobregat, n.d.). To achieve these objectives, the council organised free workshops in order to practice Catalan; it also offered Catalan courses for Adults and other activities related to promoting Catalan. The council thought that Catalan language was the way to work social integration and coexistence in the different Hospitalet de Llobregat areas. Nevertheless, this Action Plan for integration finished two years ago. Thefore, we currently don’t have enough activities or workshops that enhance multilingualism.


As I could observe, there are a lot of plurilingualism in Hospitalet de Llobregat. What’s more, the vast majority of foreign people are totally integrated culturally and linguistically talking. However, there are not  enough social activities which promote other cultures and languages knowledge. That’s true social integration is widely fostered in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, but not plurilingualism.

If I could do something, my suggestion would be related to what European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages aims to: “to protect and promote regional or minority languages from a cultural perspective, emphasizing culture” (Baetens, 2009). As it is argued in Hugo Baetens' article (2009), I don’t expect to change Education System, but to foster plurilingualism in Education.

Imagen relacionada
For instance, it would be interesting to offer to pupils intercultural workshops where they can learn about other languages and cultures. These workshops could be organised as extracurricular activities where both parents and children could participate. Actually, immigrants (parents and children) would plan all the activities with teachers’ help. Cooking workshops, language exchanges, cultural games are examples of activities that could be carried out. However, some parents are not available for doing such activities. Therefore, an alternative would be introduce this kind of multicultural workshops in class as a part of a school project.

Personally, I consider that there is no need of implementing vocabulary, customs and other cultural aspect of a language as a part of a project (despite it would be interesting). Plurilingualism should be a part of the class, I mean the teacher should take into account those children who have different nationalities in class; for example, when it appears an outstanding chance to know more about other cultures, there mustn’t be doubts about what to do: go for it! Make Chinese or Pakistani students explain some aspects of their culture. Indeed, Christmas and Easter are festivities that most schools take advantage of to implement plurilingualism in class.

A recent Eurodyce study reveals that “8 percent of schoolgoers aged 15 claim to speak a language other than the language of instruction at home” (Baetens, 2009). What’s more, English is the favoured as the first foreign language at schools, which makes difficult to learn other languages, above all, minority languages. So, if students are interested in learning other languages apart from English, why don’t schools offer to pupils more options?

In secondary schools, most students are offered a second foreign language to study (usually just French). However, what I would propose would be introducing a wide variety of minority languages so that pupils can choose. This alternative would enhance immigrants integration, so most teachers of languages such as Pakistani, Chinese or Moroccan would be from different countries. In other words, we may kill two birds with one stone: children are introduced to new languages and cultures as a part of their education; and most immigrants have the opportunity of teaching their own language and culture at schools.

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Arabic courses in Hospitalet de Llobregat
In case that schools could not offer minority languages to their students, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat council could provide free languages courses of Chinese, Moroccan or Pakistani. Indeed, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat council is alrealdy promoting Arabic courses for kids and adults; they are totally free. It also offers Spanish and Catalan courses for those people who want to improve their level of proficiency. You can find more information here:

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