lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Methods and approaches for Teaching Foreign Languages

Hi English bookworms!! 

 Last day in class our teacher introduced us the different methods and approaches that have been used during the education history to teach and learn foreign languages. Later, we were proposed the challenge of ordering all these methods and approaches like a timeline. After proving we couldn't set a specific order for them, we were given the dates when such methods took place in education. Oh! This is a piece of cake!!, I thought. 

 However, later we were asked to chase a bigger challenge: build up our own timeline by using an online tool. Alright, here I am! I have already built up my own timeline by making use of Prezi, an online tool typically used for doing presentations. So, I let you enjoy my timeline:

I also tried to do another timeline by Tiki Toki (another online tool), which was wonderfully visual and well-organised. Yet, I couldn't embed it because I had to pay for premium version to do so. That's why, I only can provide you the link: 

 I hope that this task is useful for you! 

 See you English bookworms!


Introducing myself

Hello bookworms!
BookwormI am Esmeralda, a 22 year-old English teacher from Barcelona (Spain). I'm currently studying a postgraduate degree in Teaching English as Foreign Language, so this blog is one of the resources I'll use to show my learning process :) 

This blog will include activities, reflections and, above all, a theoretical part about Teaching English language.  It would be advantageous sharing my knowledge  with teachers like me as well as other people interested in education. Are you joining me? It's up to you! 
Nice to meet you all! 